tCat trägt zur Forschung am europäischen SIA-Projekt bei

Last June 2021, a field campaign with the tCat took place for the SIA Project “A System for vehicle-infrastructure Interaction Assets health status monitoring” (Grant Agreement no. 776402).

SIA is an H2020 project with funding from the European Commission, formed by a consortium of 9 companies, of which Telice is part as an expert in the railway electrification area.

SIA has for main objective the development of four ready-to-use new services (iWheelMon, iRailMon, iPantMon and iCatMon) providing prognostic information on the health status of the railway’s most demanding assets in terms of maintenance costs (wheel, rail, pantograph and catenary):

  • iWheelMon for railway operators will provide real time information about wheel status.
  • iPantMon for railway operators will provide real time information about the pantograph status.
  • iRailMon for rail infrastructure managers and maintenance subcontractors will provide real time information about the rail status.
  • iCatMon for rail infrastructure managers and maintenance subcontractors will provide real time information about the catenary status.

Work is currently underway on a future integration of the data generated with tCat into the iCatMon solution. Therefore, the monitoring campaign carried out is part of this set of tasks and has served to generate a complete data package, which the SIA Project team will use for the first integration tests.

The measurements took place thanks to the collaboration of FGC-Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat de Catalunya, a member of the SIA Project consortium.

The campaign was carried out under conditions of interruption of rail traffic, taking advantage of the line’s maintenance band. We had the support of two FGC foremen, whom we would like to thank for their willingness and help with the field measurements.

The measurements were carried out under pole/support over a length of about 1500 metres.

As a result of the measurement campaign, using the automatic report generation functionality of the tCat software, the following deliverables were generated:

  • Height & stagger Excel notebook (.xlsx).
  • Cross section drawings at sampling points (.dxf).
  • Rectified 3D point cloud of the entire sampled section (.xyz).

Do you want to know more? Download the reports generated in this campaign:

By |2022-06-16T11:27:22+00:00Juli 1st, 2021|Geschäftsfälle, , Veranstaltungen, Neuigkeiten, Alle|
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